Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

Wow! I can't believe I haven't made a post for a whole year! I have got to do better....
This has been such a busy year for our family. Most of note, the addition of our fifth child born on May 20th…Jared Bryan Drennan. He is such a joy and blessing. He rushed into this world 14 minutes after we got to the hospital!

Mark has been busy like always with building our children’s amazing playhouse, working on his company’s catalog as the product manager, taking the kids on “dates” and helping me with the yard and house. Mark also took a business trip to Germany in February and was gone on Lydia’s birthday. He made up for being gone by bringing back lots of chocolate and playmobil!

Emma stays busy with all the kids. She is so grateful for a baby without reflux! Our first one! She loves staying outside in the summer, and each year dreads the cold winter that follows. She talked Mark into training and running a 5K on October 15th. It was a great feeling of accomplishment for Emma as she has never run before. For some reason she is also a room mom!

Ashlee(10-5th grade) is reading well above grade level and super excited for the science fair again! She loves to do crafts, read, hang out with her friends, and has just taken up clogging. Also, she got to move into her own bedroom this Fall. Emma couldn’t survive without all the help Ashlee gives. Ashlee also takes piano and is doing so well.

Joshua(8-3rd grade) loves math and science and reading too. He is one of the top math students in his class. He also turned 8 in July, and was baptized in August. We had a great day with all our family. He loves Legos, playing strategy games like Ticket to Ride and Stone Age. He is definitely taking after his father! He played soccer in the Fall and participated in a basketball camp at the rec center too. He loves being with his friends and would play all day long if he could. Joshua also started piano lessons in the Fall, and scouts—he just earned his Wolf.

Lydia(5-Kindergarten) graduated preschool one week after her baby brother was born--we only held up the whole event by 15 minutes! It’s hard to get places on time with a one week old. She had a great summer of swim lessons and playing with friends. Kindergarten has been SO fun for her. She loves learning and is becoming quite a good reader. She is a good little mother to Jared too. She is also enjoying a tap/ballet class and can’t wait for the recital.

Taylor is almost three--on January 9th. He is such an exuberant child and loves life. We are finally getting his reflux under control and he is on the growth chart now! He can’t wait until he is bigger and can participate in soccer and go to school. He is very sweet with Jared and loves to give him kisses. His favorite color is green and he must always have his cup, plate, etc green or it is a very sad day. He loves his Dad and follows him constantly especially if it involves riding in the truck.

Jared is now 7 months old! He loves his baby food, and is scooting on his bottom. Emma now realizes baby proofing needed to have already happened! He is always happy, takes good naps, but can’t manage sleeping through the night. He has the cutest laugh and we are constantly tickling him just to hear it. He loves to give slobber kisses on anyone’s cheek.

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to our Heavenly Father for our abundance of blessings. We celebrate the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ whom this season is all about. May each of you be blessed in your homes with an added measure of love and peace.

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Joshua & Jared

Joshua & Jared

Lydia & Jared

Lydia & Jared

"Dig It" the school's musical

"Dig It" the school's musical

The school's musical

The school's musical

The Easter Bunny Came

The Easter Bunny Came

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Up in our tree

Up in our tree

Up in the playhouse

Up in the playhouse

Our family in August

Our family in August

Fun at the Aquarium on Taylor's b-day

Fun at the Aquarium on Taylor's b-day

Ashlee's birthday

Ashlee's birthday

Joshua preparing to hit the pinata

Joshua preparing to hit the pinata

Mark's playhouse

Mark's playhouse

Our "new" piano

Our "new" piano

Our newly painted kitchen

Our newly painted kitchen

Lydia loves to help Mark work

Lydia loves to help Mark work

A princess in a tent

A princess in a tent

Having a brother is so fun!

Having a brother is so fun!

Like mother like son--sucking fingers is oh so fun!

Like mother like son--sucking fingers is oh so fun!

A trip to the aquarium with a cousin

A trip to the aquarium with a cousin

We love each other!

We love each other!

Baby Taylor

Baby Taylor

Time to go home

Time to go home

Our baby arrived

Our baby arrived