Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Warm weather has finally begun

June is here and already on it's way! How quickly the time goes. Ashlee & Joshua have just a few weeks left of school and then our summer will really begin. We will be going to a traditional school year in the Fall. I am somewhat disappointed because there goes any plans for a Disneyland trip "off-season". But we'll make the best of it. I think kids tend to get to bored over the summer, forget half of what they learned, and drive their mother crazy! I will definately have to have a game plan.

Taylor hasn't refluxed enough to choke for several weeks now! Yeah! I think his reflux medicine is working, although he just finished another round of antibiotics for another nasal infection. That would be number five since January! We meet with the pediatric GI specialist next monday and I am so looking forward to that.

Mark and I will be married 11 yrs at the end of the month. I think I'm starting to feel old! It has been a challenge for Mark to live with a crazy woman like me, but I'm glad he has stuck with me all these years.

Lydia tells me every day we need to get a pool and swim. The problem is the weather can't decide what it's doing. It's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend, and then warm up again, so I told her next week would probably be good. I just hope I can get a cool enough pool to satisfy the older kids without me worrying about Taylor drownding!

Life is good and I hope all you are having a wonderful summer.:)

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Joshua & Jared

Joshua & Jared

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Joshua preparing to hit the pinata

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A trip to the aquarium with a cousin

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