Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gettin excited for Halloween

Wow! It's hard to believe that Halloween is in two days. My kids are so excited! I just hope we can get better soon--you see we have had what our doctor assumes is the swine flu. Unfortunately, my kids still have a low-grade fever and this is day 11 for Lydia and day 10 for Ashlee & Joshua. We are all tired of being couped up, so going out for Halloween will be a blessed event.:)

Ashlee & Joshua are off-track now, so hopefully they'll get well soon so that we can do some fun things. They are doing well in school as I went the their parent/teacher conferences last week. Ashlee is a grade level ahead on her reading and is doing well in math and spelling. Joshua has made a lot of progress in his reading too and loves math and spelling. He loves having a bonus word on his spelling tests so that he can get 110%.

Ashlee started a pony bead business where she makes the lizards out of boondoggle and beads and sells them to classmates for 25 cents. She loves it and I am proud of her entreprenuarship. Thanks to Grandma Cannon & myself for donating the beads, she has made just over $3. So fun.

Taylor got his first tooth in last Tuesday and he is working on another one right now. He is very grumpy, so I am looking forward to them coming in quickly. Taylor is almost 10 month old now. At his 9 month check up he weighed a wopping 14 lbs 6 oz. And he was 25 1/4 inches long. A very small baby. But the doctor was somewhat happy because he made good weigh and head circumfrance gains, but unhappy because he didn't really grow lengthwise. Hopefully at the next checkup the length will catch up. He is very happy and loves to scoot on his bum all around the living room. He should be everywhere soon when he figures out he can go around the couches out of the living room.

We're looking forward to getting three new windows put in our home on the west facing side. A new master bedroom window, sliding door, and kitchen window. I was also blessed to have a wonderful husband let me get some laminate flooring in the kitchen. He and a friend will put that in after the windows. That's my early christmas present.:)

Mark is working many hours now and we all miss him a lot. It's just not the same when he's not around very much. He was able to come home for pumpkin carving two nights ago. He kept Taylor happy while I helped carve. Mark hates the "pumpkin guts" and I love it, so it works great.:)

We hope all our friends and well and happy. Happy Halloween in two days!

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Joshua & Jared

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