Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's April Fool's Day because it's snowing!!!

How I wish spring would finally arrive. I mean I'm grateful for the moisture, but I'd rather have a few rain showers with some SUN too.:)

Taylor has followed his other siblings in the fact that he teeths early! Yep, at not quite three months his bottom two front teeth are trying to come in. Now, it's not like they come in quickly--no--it takes 2-3 months of grumpiness before that blessed event happens. Taylor is smiling so much now and loves to watch what everyone is doing. He is managing to take one good nap a day, with a few very short naps the rest of the time. Nights are sometimes good, and sometimes not.:)

Lydia is having a hard time with this spring then winter then spring then winter weather. Everytime a snow storm comes, she wakes up with a cough. I can't figure it out. She is quite into this United States puzzle that we have. She wants to do it at least five times a day. She is quite a big helper though and today in fact played with play doh, and then clean it up without being asked when she was done!! I almost couldn't believe my eyes.

Joshua is getting excited for spring soccer. He loves to run around and he makes friends so easily. He loves to see his friends from soccer around school. Joshua loves doing anything with his Dad. Mark recently brought home a hand warmer and Joshua loves it. He carried it until is wasn't hot any more--even slept with it. When Mark brought home his company's new catalog, he devoured it leaving sticky notes on almost every page with things he thinks he needs. Like Father like Son.

Ashlee is growing up so fast! At her parent/teacher conference, her teacher said she is at about a mid 3rd grade reading level. That's one grade ahead. We have to force her to go to bed at night because she loves to read chapter books. Ashlee is a very big help with Taylor. He loves it when she sings to him.

Mark and I are looking forward to getting some house and yard projects done once the weather warms up. Life is good. And now it's time to make dinner--duty calls.

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